Monday, February 28, 2011

First year around the sun

It would be nice if I could pretend tomorrow wasn't really happening. But, alas it is here my baby boys first birthday and thanks to being in Perth I 'technically' get and extra 3 hours of Angus being a baby. I'm enjoying every minute of those three hours resettling him back to sleep. But that aside, I honestly want, no need time to slow down. Where has this year gone?

This time 1 year ago I had quite a restless night, just couldn't get comfy. Nothing painful but in my heart I knew that my baby was on his way, I just didn't want to let my head know because of the disappointment if I were wrong.

It is hard to believe that this strong little soul has been with us a full year. In one way it feels like it was yesterday, in another way it feels like he has been with us a lifetime. My heart swells with love and pride when I look at him. My little Angry Angus is a contrast in so many ways, he was in a tearing hurry to arrive earthside yet is not in a tearing hurry to do much else in life. He has a feisty fiery aspect to his personality but at the same time he is so laid back and cruisy. He is a cheeky devilish little thing and at just 11 months 3 weeks and 6 days I can see he is going to be a handful, he has a taste for adrenalin....yet at the same time he is the cutest most angelic little boy.

I want to drink him in, remember every little bit of him at this age. I don't want him to grow up, but at the same time I want to see the person he becomes and see what he achieves in life. I want to protect him, wrap him up in bubble wrap and never let him out of my sight - but at the same time I want to miss him, I want to hear about all the things the world is giving him. I want him to stay near me so I can see him all the time - yet I want him to explore everything his heart desires. Why can't we control time even more? With Hamish I felt like time went by in an absolute blur and somehow I have a nearly 4 year old on my doorstep. I thought with a second baby time might go slower I would have time to drink him in because I had 'done it all before'. But then we get thrown with a completely different child (naturally) and I feel like a whole year has gone yet I'm still trying to get to know him.

My darling Angus, don't grow up too quickly. Let me saviour and capture each milestone with you. We love you so very much...thank you for choosing us as your family.

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